zaterdag 15 februari 2014

Art, Edith Walraven, drawings, paintings and silkscreens

Every week i get to work with a professional model. I start without expectations and without a defined plan. The model inspires me to create. And each time i see different things that lead to a composition. Today i worked in a very quiet introvert way. Just plain crayon on quality paper. Usually i don't integrate that much of the surroundings, this time i felt as if the model truly was part of the whole setting. 

Quality paper 50x70cm, crayon
I write this blog to give more insight in my way of working and it helps me to think about my own development. It's not about my 'best' work but it's about my creative process and the story behind the final output which you can see at  Thank you for your interest!

Red Pastel, human body landscape, 50 x 70

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